BALLE is the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, a national network of over 80 communities, and representing over 22,000 businesses. BALLE networks are working to support economic development that supports local jobs, local sourcing, and profitable business.
So what does this all mean for Spokane?
At its core, a Local Living Economy is about recognizing the value of a community and a sense of place. Businesses are encouraged to invest in technologies, jobs, and resources that support the long-term viability of the local economy.
While that sounds like a tall order, the purpose of a local organized network is to help overcome some of the challenges associated with that shift in thinking. A local BALLE network will be able to provide resources to local businesses, assist in planning and executing cost saving energy efficiency projects, developing local awareness and creating business relationships upon which a strong local economy can be built. A BALLE network will help local business owners realize the true potential of their company, while leveraging their local impact to create a better community.
A shift back to small local businesses has numerous benefits.
It’s no surprise that local businesses are good for the economy, but did you know how impactful they can be? A recent study found that $68 of $100 spent at a local bookstore stays in a local community, while only $43 does from chain bookstores. Grand Rapids, Michigan performed a study that suggested a 10% shift toward small local businesses would add 1,600 jobs to the local economy. Even the Harvard Business Review recently suggested economic development was strongest when it focused on independent local business.
So it’s time to shift our thinking, not just back to buy local, but to think local. How can our actions as business owners support our local community and our local economy? How can we find a way to support local jobs and sustain a long term profit? Let’s start by thinking locally. Find the talent, resources, and spark here in Spokane, and we’ll build our future from there.
For a look at the existing BALLE network in Bellingham and some other great new businesses thinking about their local impact, check out the PBS special Fixing the Future.
So glad to see your site up! Look forward to seeing where this goes! Speaking of a "shift" in thinking, have you seen Tacoma's new buy local program, called Tacoma Shift Happens? Looks like they're really having fun playing with sounds-like puns. For more information about buy local and supporting studies, check out an article I wrote on the topic a couple years ago: Keep up the good work, everyone!